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my silk :kain sutera dan proses pembuatannya(silk fabric and manufacturing process)

budidayasuteraalam: budidayasuteraalam:alat tenun sutera bukan mesin (not the engine loom silk)

video singkat peroses penggulungan benang sutera(short video of rolling silk thread)
                                 video proses pemintalan benang sutera(video process of spinning silk thread)  sms +6281254206129

                                           kain sutera yg sudah jadi:
Maintenance silkworm From Caterpillar to Butterfly

A silkworm in its cocoon that
was spun with silk thread.
if you have 450-500 eggs and must protect it from environmental threats, what would you do? Wisest step for you is to take precautions in order not scattered scattered, for instance due to wind or other environmental factors. By becoming an animal that spawned most of their eggs at a time (450-500), silkworms using a very smart way to protect the eggs: it unites silkworm eggs with thick substance (thread) which issued to prevent the egg- eggs were not scattered around.
Caterpillars that gave rise to their eggs first found a branch that is safe for their own and then tied it with the same thread. Then, to replicate their own, they began to spin a cocoon with a thread that they spend. To complete this process, it can take 3-4 days for the new worm open eyes staring at life. During this period, the caterpillar was making thousands of rounds and produce yarn along the average 900-1500 meter.14 At the end of this process, start a new task as part of a metamorphosis to become a graceful butterfly.
Actions taken by the parent to protect silkworm eggs or tiny caterpillars behavior without awareness, education, or knowledge can not be explained by the theory of evolution. In particular, the mother miraculously ability to produce yarn that is used to secure the eggs. Knowledge of newborn caterpillar on the most suitable environment for itself, spinning its cocoon in accordance with this, the implementation of metamorphosis, and its presence through a metamorphosis that without these problems are beyond human comprehension. Therefore, we can say that every caterpillar perfunctory born into the world equipped with knowledge about what to do, which means that all of this is 'taught' before he was born.

Let us explain this with an example. What is your opinion if you see a newborn baby can stand for several hours after his birth, collecting objects he needs to make his bed (like a cotton blanket, pillow, mattress), and then incorporate them neatly, make his bed and lay on it? After you recover from the shock of this event, you might think that the baby must be taught in a way exceptional in its mother's womb to perform such a process. Genesis caterpillars did not differ from infants in this example.
He is Allah, the Supreme Creator, Supreme Creator, Supreme Forming a way, Who has beautiful names; all things in heaven and on earth purify and glorify Him; He is Almighty, Wise. (Surat al-Hasyr, 24)

This once again leads us to the same conclusion: living things come to life, behave and live in the manner prescribed by God Who created them. Qur'anic verse which states that God has inspired the bee, and ordered him to make honey (Surat an-Nahl, 68-69) gave examples of the world's great secrets of living things. The secret is that all living beings are subject to the will of God and follow the fate determined by Him. Because this is the bees make honey and silkworm silks.